AdSense Announces Program Policy Changes

Yesterday AdSense announced a new program policies update. If you read the official announcement, it seems like there really weren’t very many changes.

However, like usual JenSense has done an outstanding analysis of what really changed, and there are some surprises. I would highly recommend reading through this to make sure you understand all the changes.


  1. kesseff Said,

    January 14, 2010 @ 5:36 am

    thank you for that link. how much blending is “too much”? what should a publisher ubderstand from that? even Blogger offers a blending option for adsense ads.

  2. Kreuzfahrt Said,

    May 3, 2010 @ 4:17 pm

    Really useful links!
    Agree. You see, kesseff , they must be just afraid not to be able to follow their own words.
    That’s why all their promises are so inexact.

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