MIVA Launches Monetization Center

MIVA LogoToday MIVA launched a new self service advertising platform for publishers call MIVA Monetization Center (or MIVA MC).

MIVA MC includes three different advertising options for publishers.

  1. Content Ads. These are similar to the AdSense and YPN that we all know. One unique thing about them is you can choose to have them contextually driven, or keyword driven. This is a feature that a lot of publishers wish Google had, so it could be attractive for a lot of people.
  2. Inline Ads. These ads are underlines words in the content of the website. When a visitor hovers over the underlined test, an ad is displayed. I personally find these ads very annoying and wouldn’t use them on my own sites.
  3. Search Ads. These can be used to display ads in search pages on the publishers own site. This seems very similar to AdSense for Search.

One bonus for small publishers is that the payout is only a $25 minimum and can be done via PayPal.

Another point in their favor is that there is no exclusivity clause. They don’t mind you having ads from another network on the same page. Since their Content Ads have a keyword option, they should be allowed on the same page as AdSense as well.

Another great thing is that they will be letting the publisher know what the revenue split is.

Unfortunately for international publisher, keyword driven ads, search ads and revenue spit transparency are available only to U.S. publisher right now.

I have filled out an application and will experiment with them if I get accepted.

Update: I have been accepted into the program. It took less than 4 hours!


  1. Sandy Said,

    July 18, 2007 @ 5:59 am

    Have you used them yet? If so, how has it worked out for you? and can you elaborate a bit more on your comment:

    “Since their Content Ads have a keyword option, they should be allowed on the same page as AdSense as well.”

    Can they be used with adsense?



  2. Toivo Lainevool Said,

    July 18, 2007 @ 9:10 am

    I did try a small trial of Miva back in January on AdMoolah, and didn’t have good results. Both CTR and revenue per click were lower than AdSense. It could be that they perform better in other niches.

    What I meant by “Since their Content Ads have a keyword option, they should be allowed on the same page as AdSense as well.” is no longer really applicable. It used to be that you couldn’t run AdSense ads with any other contextual ads. However since then, AdSense has changed their policies. Now you can run any other ad on the same page, as long as the ads don’t look the same. See this blog entry for more details.

    So, yes, they can be used with AdSense.

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