YSM Continues Rollout of New Advertising Platform

Yahoo has announced that all new advertisers who sign up for a Yahoo Search Marketing account will get access to the new advertising platform, nicknamed Panama. I think this is a big step forward and shows they are pretty confident with their new platform.

On the other hand, I am an existing YSM advertiser, and I still don’t have the new platform. Why would Yahoo show preferential treatment to new advertisers and leave older advertisers out in the cold? Should I be offended?

1 Comment

  1. Digger Said,

    December 15, 2006 @ 4:24 am

    I was thinking the same thing when I started reading this post “What kind of crap is that? Only giving new people the new system rather than offering it to their established users first?”

    A stupid tactic in my opinion since new users wouldn’t be able to spot things that are wrong and help them fix it. Us old hat previous beta testers would be a better choice.

    Phooey on you Yahoo!

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