AdSense Referal Limit Changed to 180 Days

In late January, Google has updated their referral program to have a 90 day time limit. They have now changed that to an 180 day time limit. Like last time, no announcement was made, they have just changed the text at the bottom of the AdSense account referral page. It now reads:

A Google AdSense referral is counted when a publisher, who has never previously enrolled in Google AdSense, creates an account and earns at least $100.00 within 180 days of sign-up. The referred publisher must be eligible for payment to qualify as a successful referral.

There was a thread on Digital Point Forums about this, but it was previously unconfirmed. In that thread AdSenseAdvisor said that “If you’ve already been using referrals, the 180 days will be applied retroactively.”

1 Comment

  1. Lucrando na Rede » Blog Archive » Referências do Adsense: 180 dias novamente Said,

    March 2, 2006 @ 6:10 am

    [...] tgoing/’);” href=’’>AdSense Referal Limit Changed to 180 Days.

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