AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites List

I recently saw an announcement from a website that was starting an AdSense revenue sharing program. At these sites users can enter their AdSense publisher IDs into their profiles, and the site will display AdSense ads with the users id under certain conditions.

I knew Digital Point Forums was an AdSense revenue sharing site, but I wasn’t sure how many others were out there. I started searching and to my surprise there were quite a few of them! So I decided to put together a list of them here: AdSense Revenue Sharing Sites.

I’m sure there are many more that I missed. Feel free to email me at tlainevool [at] with any additions to the list and I’ll do my best to keep it update.


  1. article searh engine Said,

    April 24, 2006 @ 3:02 am is a new article directory. We now give out 100% of Adsense revenues to authors. Take a look at our revenue sharing program.

  2. GOGO56 Said,

    April 29, 2006 @ 8:13 pm


    I am working with them from 6 mounts and have very good results with very high CPC.

    They also provide products ads.

  3. Tony Said,

    June 7, 2007 @ 5:38 pm

    Google does not reccommend doing Ad rotation anymore. Instead, they suggest implementing revenue sharing using AdSense APIs.

    There are several sites now offering revenue sharing using Google AdSense APIs. is one of the first few sites to offer Google AdSense revenue sharing programs using AdSense APIs.

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