Typography effects CTR

The official Google AdSense blog posted an entry about the AdSense experience a site called EngineringTalks has had.

Next, the team experimented with AdSense designs, focusing on optimization through typography and placement. They found the biggest influence on CTR was the similarity between the AdSense type (size and font), and the main body text of the page. The more similar the type, the higher the CTR.

This is an interesting tip, and not something that is mentioned often. I’m sure matching the fonts helps the ads blend in even more. I have tried this a little, but never have really done a full blown experiment with it.

For those who are curious, the EngineeringTalks site uses the following font style in their CSS stylesheet:

font: normal 13px/17px arial,helvetica,sans-serif;


  1. blogvp.com Said,

    November 1, 2005 @ 10:35 pm

    I’ve been testing out different fonts also and I’ve reported my results here. I’ll try out your find also.

    Official Font Use By Google Adsense


  2. blogvp » Official Font Used By Google Adsense Said,

    November 1, 2005 @ 10:39 pm

    [...] this, and I recommend that you do, let me know it affects your results. UPDATE: Admoolah reports you might also try: font: normal 13px/17px arial,helvetica,sans-ser [...]

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