Google Analystics Now Free

Google announced today that it is making their Google Analytics (aka Urchin) service available for free. This will be of interest to web site publishers for two reasons:

1) This will be a great package for doing advanced tracking of visitors. You will be able to track where visitors are coming from and what they do on your web pages. Knowing the behavior of visitors to your site allows your to target and keep surfers happy.

2) Th analytics service is integrated with AdWords. This will increase the number of websites reporting conversion information to Google, which means that their smart pricing algorithms will have more information to work with. Hopefully this will improve the accuracy of smart pricing.

I have signed up for an account and placed the code on one of my sites and will be trying it out. I will report more when I have used it for a while.

Right now, when I try to sign in to my account, I get the following message:

We’re upgrading accounts. Please come back later.

Thanks for stopping by. We are currently migrating existing customers to the newly improved Google Analytics service. This process will be completed later this afternoon. Please come back then to sign up for Google Analytics.

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