New Danger: Splogs Copy AdSense for RSS Ads

I came across a splog (spam blog) today that had what seemed like a dangerous element to it. This splog was simply copying entries from other RSS feeds and posting them to their own blog. (Of course, no credit was given to the original author.) However, I noticed one of the original entries had an AdSense for RSS ad on it, and this was also copied into the splog. I checked and the publisher ID in the splog matched the publisher ID on the original site. This means the ad is showing up on a site that the original publisher has no control over.

This seem particularly nasty because if the splog is violating AdSense Policy, the original publisher may be penalized for it. I’m sure Google is smart enough to know what is going on, but it certainly is something to watch out for.

You can get more information about fighting splog.

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