Archive forMay, 2005

Submit You April Earnings

Now that April is in the books, remember to go to and submit your earnings numbers for the month.

Thanks for your support, it’s the information that you provide that will make this site a powerful resource.

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Support for Multiple Sites per Earnings Record

I have implemented some support for indicating multiple URLs in a single earning record. When entering a new record there is a new field for the number of sites that these earnings were produced from. We encourage you to enter each website as an individual earnings records, but if your AdSense channels are not set up properly, this is not possible.

When querying, there is now an option to only see the earnings records that do not have multiple websites.

The query results screen now shows if there was more than one website included in that earnings amount. Here is an example of how it will look:


This indicates that there were $132.16 in earnings and that three websites were producing these earnings.

I hope all that makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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