- AdSense Earnings Query Results

AdSense Earnings Data

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The earnings column will have a link to the site that the data was entered for (if it is available).

If there is a numbers in brackets beside the earnings figure, this indicates the number of websites that the earnings are for.

Results 1 - 18 of 18 being displayed

DateEarningsCategoryLangPRVisitorsPage Views
3/05$101.00Business: InvestingEN2600011000
1/05$100.00Health: GeneralEN26000060000
2/05$26.92Computers: InternetDE2
8/05$130.00Computers: InternetFR2600015000
11/05$1222.23Health: GeneralEN230167147198
1/05$8.00Blogs: PersonalDE2
12/05$697.14Health: GeneralEN223659109102
1/06$10.00Blogs: GeneralEN2200500
8/07$665.00[2]Computers: GeneralTR215000600000
10/07$88.00Recreation: TravelEN240000
4/07$78.98Business: GeneralEN21200070000000
1/07$70.00[50]Computers: SoftwareHU25002
12/07$0.01Arts: GeneralEN263
1/08$104.00Blogs: PersonalEN2190231
12/08$1.00Blogs: PersonalEN210300
11/08$100.00Computers: InternetEN230000030000
1/08$100.00Blogs: GeneralEN220001500
1/08$25.00Business: GeneralEN2200035000


Total records found: 18
Average Earnings:$195.96
Average Visitors:30515
Average Pageviews:4440614
Average Earnings per 1000 Pageviews:$0.05

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